Sunday, February 17, 2013

Yippee! Day 17 of the Family History Writing Challenge

If I had a tail, it would be wagging! My second cousin Sheldon, who I just recently had the pleasure of meeting on-line, found a treasure. He found a metal box with wills and receipts from the mid 1880's. He says they are fragile and some have come apart at the fold lines but he will check out how to salvage these precious artifacts. He also found some letters that my grandmother wrote to Martha. This is the other side of the coin so to speak.

I have been writing based on Martha's letters. To have my grandmother's letters would provide her viewpoint. I don't think I'm too far off because I knew my grandmother but to have here actual thoughts would be amazing.

I woke up this morning thinking I had come to an end on my research. That in itself would not stop me from continuing with writing the family history. I am good at creative writing and I am leaning towards that style anyway. But hearing that there are more documents to review sets my head spinning. What a treat.

Today, I will not make my word count. It's baseball season and today is my day for registration. I will be spending a good portion of my day at the local pizza joint. Baseball is my child's passion. He eventually hopes to own the Dodgers but he is 12, so that might change. It doesn't seem likely. That has been his goal since he was six.

When I post this, it will go out into cyberspace. Future generations will not have to wonder what my child was like. As a writer on Squidoo, there are lots of pages about him. His adoption is well documented. He is really my grandson but on paper, he is my son. The Internet, for all it's faults, will make family history research much easier. I sort of wish it had been available in the 1800's. Oh well, I am good at research too.

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